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Assistant or Associate Professor - Community Health (CUNY School of Public Health) with Hunter College - CUNY in New York, NY.
Metrology Manager - Cook Pharmica #LZ10559 with Cook Medical Inc in BLOOMINGTON, IN.
Director of Quality - Cook Pharmica #LZ10560 with Cook Medical Inc in BLOOMINGTON, IN.
Project Manager - API - Cook Pharmica #LZ10561 with Cook Medical Inc in BLOOMINGTON, IN.
Logistics Engineer (Auto) with Ryder in Auburn Hills, MI.
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SpotOnce is a new online news ,article and social bookmarking community where people are free to submit an article that will be reviewed by all and will be promoted, based on popularity

Quick Stats:
SpotOnce Community is a part of the Connect Platform Network which reaches your target demographic utilizing niche sites with niche content which supercharge your campaigns and their reach and penetration into this niche community!
  • Over 400,000 Unique User Sessions Per Month
  • Over 8.5 Million Page Views Per Month
  • Average User Session: 8 Minutes 45 Seconds
  • Over 1,000,000 Registered Members!
Advertising Options
Major Brand & Product Marketing Campaigns
Budget: $2000.00 to $100,000.00 Per Month
For advertising agencies and companies with marketing budgets looking to connect with thousands of daily website visitors, you have come to the right place! Options include everything from banner ads and email marketing to title sponsorship and newsletter inclusions! Get connected today!
Recruitment & Employment Advertising
Budget: $249.00 to $5,000.00 Per Month
Check out our online career center for options specific to the employment and recruitment function. Everything from posting a simple job listings, to options for banner ad packages and employer showcase listings.
Do-It-Yourself Advertising
Budget: $99.00 to $1,000.00 Per Month
The affordable way to advertise your product or service to the SpotOnce Community and network. Create and post your ad online, allowing you to quickly go live on SpotOnce Community today!
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